Tunnel vpn free internet
Tunnel vpn free internet

tunnel vpn free internet

TunnelBear is available in 3 different sizes first one is “Small” version that is Free 500MB for a month, the second one is “Giant” version in which you have to pay $9.99 per month for unlimited use and the last one is “Grizzly” version that is on sale of $49.88 for 12 months its original price is $119.88. If you use the third party payment process, they will not store the information like on PayPal. But if you use TunnelBear during the transaction with the credit card then it will save the Name of person on the card, Date of card use and last four digits of the card but only to prevent the user from Fraud. It means it encrypts any data bleeding between the connection of device and Internet server, according to their policy they don’t collect, store the user’s data information. The Software is not malicious, and about the service, it connects you to the Internet through its different servers across the world. TunnelBear is a VPN service that gives free VPN service of 500MB for a month if you want to use more than 500MB than you have to purchase the premium version of the Tunnel Bear VPN that will help you to access the internet. This encryption is beneficial to the Internet user because they can be safe against the unwanted tracking and also they will be able to access the contents, websites that are not available for their country.

tunnel vpn free internet

It connects the device through the private network to the Internet through the servers of the different country.

tunnel vpn free internet

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network that helps the users to send or receive data from a public network with encryption.

Tunnel vpn free internet